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Lecture 2
Rhythm, Meter and Melody
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
—Aldous Huxley
Over a five-lecture sequence, we are exploring the elements of music - music broken down into its individual component parts : Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Texture, Timbre and Form.
This lecture (Lecture 2) continues to explore rhythm, and its partner, meter, then moves on to melody.
Topics covered:
- rhythm and meter
- duple meter
- triple meter
- compound meter
- additive meter
- characteristics of melody
- melody and notation
- learn to distinguish duple from triple meter
- hearing beat subdivisions
- hearing melodic features
- begin to understand musical notation
- watch lecture 2 (in multiple parts for quicker download)
- review previous chapters, as necessary
- read textbook, Chapter 2-3
- As you are reading your textbook, go through the Listening Exercises in textbook sequence, listening to the examples provided.
Audio / Video lecture
- click lecture segments below in sequence
- presented in several segments to reduce download time
- total lecture time: approx. one hour 15 minutes (all segments included)
2.1 Rhythm, Part 2
2.2 Compound Meter
2.3 Additive Meter and miscellaneous
2.4 Characteristics of Melody
2.5 Melody and Notation